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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Potlucks, Fish Hooks, and Santa!

It has been a very fun and eventful weekend for us. Friday night we had a potluck Christmas social with our Bible Study class. Danny was home and was able to attend. I firmly believe potlucks were designed for men! Multiple types of meat and potatoes all for the taking and tasting. All I had to do was bring one small dish and....voila....he gets fed to his hearts content.

Saturday started with A Coca and Santa event at one of Meagan's friends house. A ton of people, tons of breakfast food, and a great chance to let my kids run wild in someone else's house for two hours. Meagan shared with Santa that she wanted a trampoline. Being this is the first I have heard of this and the fact we live in a town home at present.....well....wish denied! I am sure she will not be traumatized after she opens everything else.

Saturday afternoon was spent at the Fort Bend Theatre watching a production of Winnie the Pooh Christmas Tale. My kids wiggled quite a bit but kept their eyes fixed on the stage for 45 minutes! That is a huge testimony for the theatre.

Saturday evening was extra special because Danny was cooking and watching the girls while I took the night off. After just 15 minutes home from the theatre, a fish hook met my pinky and my quiet evening was interrupted briefly by a trip to the ER. I started to actually feel sorry for fish as I felt the barb dig into my flesh.
No one was at the ER and it took all of 30 minutes for them to stick me with a couple of needles and pull the barb out. I was still able to come home to a good dinner and sneak out for a couple of hours to stroll the mall to window shop.

Our life is full, fun, and sometimes not planned but is all mine and I love it!

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