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Monday, June 4, 2012

Just Good or Absolutely Great!

I love my job! I don't know if most people can say that these days. My boss is fantastic, I get to use my creativity, marketing and speaking skills, and I get to build relationships with Raving Fans of Chick-fil-A everyday. He is a constant encouragement, source of knowledge, has a listening ear, and challenges me at every turn. I have spent the last couple of weeks mentoring and encouraging a friend in the marketing industry. She is good at what she does, and could be great, but is held back by a boss who sees her as just another employee. What I mean by that is that I go to work everyday with a couple of goals in mind. Represent the Chick-fil-A name well and lift my boss up by doing the absolute best job I know how to do. My friend desires that as well but is being pushed down with every idea or action. She feels frustrated, deflated, and stuck. Why do I bring this up? I was thinking, how many times do I (intentionally or unintentionally) limit God in His ability? Sounds like a strange question because God's ability is endless and perfect. How many times does He tell me something or put something in my path to move me His direction and I don't see God for who He really is? In the ordinary day to day life, do I make Him ordinary? Is He "just God"? I think life has a way of detouring God's plan for us at times. He desires to do great things in and through us but we miss the blessings because we are like that boss....we hold God back with what He wants to do. We get "good" but we could have gotten "great"!