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Friday, January 18, 2013

Six Years Ago

I start by saying this is long but I do this not just to share but to document our journey as well. This may ramble at times but it is how I remember it.

As I sit here thinking about Meagan's 6th birthday tomorrow, I can't help but remember back to our time in Japan. I lived in Japan as a single a few years prior, however Danny and I returned in 2006 already 5 months pregnant and ready to begin a new chapter in our lives.

If you have ever traveled on a mission trip or out of the country for a short period of time, you are constantly in a state of awe and wonder with the sights, smells, people, traditions, etc. When you actually live in another country, that awe and wonder wears off at about the 5 month mark. Missionaries call it the honeymoon phase. There is a day you wake up and realize this is your new normal and you begin to just create a new life.

Let me first state thst I have never had a baby in an American hospital and to this day do not know how things are done here. My normal, in the context of pregnancy and birth in Japan, is what I experienced. Nothing seemed odd to me at the time. My doctor was actually an American man who married a Japanese national. He spoke fluent Japanese and in many ways was more Japanese than American. He had been there for 26 years and was excellent. We actually chose the Adventist Hospital because of the handful of English speaking doctors on staff. Note: remember this later in the story.

The birth of our Meagan six years ago today (Japan time) was one I will never forget. I remember every second of the experience because the labor lasted 29 hours. We were admitted two weeks prior to my due date because they said the baby was already 8 pounds and that was big enough. They did not want to deliver a 10 pound baby.

Difference #1 - Japanese women have babies that range from 4.5 to 6.5 pounds usually. Anything bigger than that and they do everything within their power to try to not do a C-section. Only 21% of Japanese babies are delivered by C-section.

Back to the story....I was put into a bed in a room with four other beds separted by curtains. It basically looks like the pre and post opp area at a US hospital. That is where I stayed until I was 9.5cm dialated. With 29 hours of labor....well, that was a long time. If you have seen the Friends episode where Jennifer Anniston is going to deliver and everybody and their dog comes in after her and leaves before her? That was me!

Every lady in that room heard everyone else's moaning and groaning. I also learned how to say "painful" in Japanese because numerous ladies who gave birth before me were saying it over and over. Itai! Itai! Yes, they kept the door to the delivery room open for every glorious noise.

I won't give the great details but I will tell you that I spent much of my time in my cubicle with my head in a barf bag while Danny held my hair back or held my hand so I could use him as a place for my teeth to anchor on to during the bad contractions. My friend Connie was there and was a great distraction from the pain at times. She also traded out with a Danny so each could have a break at times.

I was fed three meals a day while in labor(from contractions up until 7 cm dialated). Yep, you are probably saying right now...."they fed you?"
I knew no different and had no reference for comparison.

Difference #2: Japanese hospital food consists of a salad, soup, rice and yogurt for breakfast. Lunch and dinner included rice, jello, soup, and either tofu or some form of cabbage vegetable mix.

I actually enjoyed the food in Japan. You learn to live with what you have. You just really don't want to see your food again and again and again while in labor. Yep, food and petosin do not mix well with me.

Back to the story....since it took 29 hours, my delivery fell on a day when my doctor (who spoke English) was to be the keynote speaker at an event in Tokyo. I received a very nice non English speaking doctor. They brought in one nurse who knew enough English for me to know what was going to happen next.

Difference #3: you must wear slippers in the delivery area and of course they do not fit American feet so Danny walked around with his heels hanging off the back.

Difference#4: Japanese hospitals do not have cafeterias, coffee kiosks, or gift shops. It is plain a simply a hospital with waiting areas that have plastic chairs, a vending machine and Japanese television.

When you are 9.5cm dilated they wheel you from your cubicle about two bed lengths down to the delivery room. The door stays open as numerous people come in and out. My friend Connie and my husband were in the room and they spent much of the time laughing. From Danny complaining that his feet hurt with the little slippers they made him wear to the nurse asking if I needed anything to drink and Danny responding with, "I don't know about her but I could use a drink!"... It is all humorous now but Connie helped to keep my husband calm and set him straight when he mentioned how he was feeling. LOL

Between the pushing, the Japanese language flying around the room, and my husband's humor, it was not dull.

The one thing I will never forget is when the doctor signaled for Danny to watch as Meagan came out. Danny's immediate response was "ooohh, that is gonna hurt tomorrow!"

Again, I won't give all the details but my recovery took a few days so I was glad to find out that Japanese hospitals keep moms post birth for a minimum of 3 days. They want you to rest and bond with your baby.

Side note....Meagan was quite a hit in the nursery. Every morning, the chimes would ring at 10am and the curtains to the window nursery would open. All visitors got to experience rows and rows of black hair and brown eyed babies. However, tucked in the midst of all these identical looking babies was our blonde haired blues eyed little girl.

That day started a journey that has been a complete joy for us as parents. We look forward to the journey continuing.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Starting The Year Off With A Twist

A new year brings excitement and anticipation for me. I always look forward to starting over and setting new goals for the year.

For those who know our family, know that our life is anything from ordinary. I always say God likes to shake things up from time to time. Many of you also know that we strive hard to listen to what God is trying to say through situations and circumstances that come our way.

After being uprooted twice in less than 4 years, Danny and I always wonder what God has in store and try to take it in stride. I think we do a pretty good job but I would be lying if I didn't have a good talking to God about things from time to time.

Friday, January 4th "our" view of the year changed. I was informed by my boss that I would be cut to part time hours due to a couple of circumtances (one being ObamaCare). I will leave my verbalized feelings for THAT to another time.

I was shocked, nervous and a bit excited all at once. I absolutely love my job but the thought of having more time for my girls was exciting. That thought quickly faded with the realization that my income was just cut in half and.....Houston, we have a problem!

I have spent the last 5 days processing, praying, researching, praying, chatting with family, and praying. The only thing I do know is there is a reason for everything. Absolutely everything. There are no accidents with God and He is in complete control.

I do know that God increased Danny's salary at just the right time. I do know that an extra trucking run came about totally out of the blue on Tuesday. I do know that an extra unexpected paycheck showed up in our account this week(vacation pay the company failed to pay Danny for earlier). I know that all of this is His perfect timing.

So, I know this may sound weird but, I am a bit excited to see where this journey takes us. The nervousness creeps back in but I am choosing to back away from that as much as possible.

What's the next step? We are not sure yet but I know He knows.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Let's Wrap This Up!

2012 was a whirlwind year for our family. I haven't posted since July, so I should catch everyone up since I know everyone is waiting on pins and needles to hear what happens next for the Toups' family.

I will start where I left off. We are back down to being a two cat family which is fine by me. We found stray momma cat, Crystal, a new home. She was not working out. A very set in her ways 10 year old cat and a hissy and moody 2 year old cat was not working for me. The other two kittens in the litter found homes as well.

Late July also brought with it a change in jobs for Danny. He was hired on by Tri-Mac Transportation to haul chemicals across the U.S. He hauls it all so I usually do not ask because sometimes it is better not knowing the liquid until after the load is complete. His pay almost immediately doubled which has been a huge blessing as we are still on the Dave Ramsey track to be debt free.

For those of you paying attention, our goal was December of this year. We are closer but had a few minor setbacks. Come to find out dental work is NOT cheap so we halted our debt snowball to pay for the fixing of two mouths in the family. We will be debt free this year, Lord willing!

Life has been pretty routine with Danny on the road for about 8-10 days at a time. In late October he was asked to run a dedicated route to Blackie, Alberta Canada. Five days up and 4-5 days back with a couple days R&R then repeat. The girls and I are in a strong routine which makes life a bit simpler (ha!).

Summer consisted of day camp, a couple of trips to the beach, lots of splash pads around the city, and lots of time at our neighborhood pool. No out of town trips just yet.

Meagan started Kindergarten in September and this momma almost lost it dropping her off on the first day. Well....I actually did lose it but I was hidden well with all the other Kindergarten parents losing it as well. It has been amazing to see the maturity in Meagan once real school started for her. She still has her moments but I actually see a little lady blossoming.

Emily started back at her preschool four days a week. She is our little spit fire. There is not a week that goes by that a stranger does not say to me (with a giggle), "you have your hands full don't you!". Emily is a black and white kind of girl. She questions everything, hugs everybody, will talk to strangers all day, loves to have tasks and complete them, and throw the best Emmy nominated fit/tantrum out of the blue. We do have our hands full but she is a complete blessing.

The Fall brought just a bunch of busy to our family. Work at Chick-Fil-A ramped up for me, the girls were involved with swimming every week, more birthday parties than I can count, and reading homework every night for our budding schooler. Working full time with two little ones and a husband on the road is NOT easy but somehow it happens.

The holidays got here way to fast and I was not prepared. I look at the Chrismtas season through two lenses. My Chick-fil-A lens - with a check list including decorating two stores, hosting Santa at two stores on separate nights, and visiting all 75 fantastic schools in our trade area who love our nugget meals for school parties and all want them on the same day. My family lens this year seemed blurry. I packed way too much into the month of December wanting to make sure my kids had great memories.

First, I volunteered to chair the Winter Wonderland event at Meagan's school complete with dinner, Santa pictures, a bounce house, cookie decorating, and crafts. It was not hard to coordinate and delegate but it was too much when combined with work and home life. The event was a huge success! Second was Christmas shopping! I didn't step foot in a retail store this year except Target and Academy one time each. I did all of my shopping online mostly out of necessity but also because I do not like crowds or the mall.

Third, we hosted the Toups' annual Christmas party this year complete with Shrimp Gumbo and Boudin. It was a huge success with 10 hours of deep cleaning the house and bailing on our Sunday School Class party to get it all done. We never play hookie from church but I am not ashamed to say we did the Sunday after the party. Danny pulled out for work at 2am the morning after the party and I felt like I had been hit by a freight train after the party and a 50 hour work week.

As is life with two little ones, I have no social life (or very little). I say that not for pity but to highlight the Joshua House adult class at Kingsland Baptist Church. I have been going consistently for a little over 3 years now and am now starting to make deeper connections. This class would go to the moon and back for anyone and I have seen them do it time and time again. Even when they don't know it, they have been a support. I so look forward to Sundays for "me" time at church - a time for me to get recharged, laugh a little, have a semi deep conversation, etc.

Why do I tell you all this in detail? I am not assuming most of you want to know all of this but I do it first to keep a written memory of 2012 which included a move, a new job for Danny, Meagan starting Kindergarten, the loss of Meagan's first two teeth, and lots and lots of hugs, giggles, screams, tears, and wanting to pull my hair out. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Let's see what 2013 brings.....